I... think this year’s going to be good?I know that in the years of our suffering 202x we do not say such things lest we bring down the wrath of Roko’s Basilisk, but despite anxieties around life and the world and well-being and all, I’m still looking forward to the year ahead.My new writing season… Continue reading Jinxing January
Author: foozzzball
Malcolm Cross, otherwise known as 'foozzzball', lives in London and enjoys the personal space and privacy that the city is known for. When not misdirecting tourists to nonexistant landmarks and lurking at bus stops, Malcolm enjoys writing science fiction and fantasy with a furry twist.
December Deliberations
You know what I always wanted to do as a kid, but never did?Get good at drawing. Like, really good.I never did – my coordination wasn’t that good, and I had all these other things demanding my time. (Like... incredibly poor mental health; life struggles which make for some sometimes tragic, sometimes absurdly funny anecdotes;… Continue reading December Deliberations
Enduring November
Sometimes, the most reliable way to make progress is to be unambitious.I started the month ambitiously – working on the Bobbyfox thing – but then a succession of events (including searching out a plumber, randomly exploding tempered drinking glasses, and more!) led to things being quite disrupted. Hanging onto ambition, under these circumstances, would have… Continue reading Enduring November
New thing – World of Juno anthology!
Just a quick heads up - I have, in previous bloggy things, mentioned being invited to contribute to an anthology? Well, the anthology is out today, featuring a totally radical shared-universe secondary world, with its history, cultures, art, maps, and a few short stories too. (One of which is by yours truly.)Please do check it… Continue reading New thing – World of Juno anthology!
Curated Snippets – October 2022
October Spectre-cles.
I have new glasses. Almost the same as the old glasses, just... ever so slightly better. The main thing is they aren’t scratched – the old glasses? The old glasses were old.So, what new things have I seen? Ghosts, goblins, all that, sure, but also a plan, which we will get to.The thing about making… Continue reading October Spectre-cles.
My Oxfurred Comma panel can now be watched online
The panel I mentioned can now be watched whenever you like, as it has been archived on twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1635690040Be forgiving, I don't do live stuff like this very often!A twitter thread with a few links relevant to the panel can be found here: https://twitter.com/foozzzball/status/1585625441213108226
I’m giving an online panel! (Sunday, 12 Pm PDT/8 Pm BST)
For those of you interested, this weekend I'm giving the panel 'New Writing Projects, Motivation, and Staying Organised' at Oxfurred Comma, a furry writing-focussed online con, and you'll be able to watch it live (and possibly recorded, after).It's built on some notes I've been keeping for a possible writing advice book I may one day… Continue reading I’m giving an online panel! (Sunday, 12 Pm PDT/8 Pm BST)
Curated Snippets – September 2022
A September Of Ergonomics
Hello!It’s been quite the historic month over here. We’ve moved from the second Elizabethan era to the second (third? It’s complex) Carolean era in this neck of the woods, Ukraine performed a lightning counteroffensive to liberate a huge amount of territory around Kharkiv, the current Tory government managed to crash the pound into a crater,… Continue reading A September Of Ergonomics
Novelty artworks for patreons! (Response needed!)
Artwork: Doppelganger
Doppelganger Malcolm F. Cross Materials and composition Signed by artist on interior in silver sharpie. Recursive neural network encased in monolith-style enclosure, with interface terminal displayed on USB monitor poised atop artist’s literary works (Malcolm F. Cross) 26.5 x 57 x 74 cm Executed in 2022 Provenance Still with the artist Exhibition History None Estimated… Continue reading Artwork: Doppelganger
August. (AIgust? Alchemust?)
The month rolls to an end, and as climate change disasters shift the seasons around – due to extremely dry conditions here after that heatwave we’ve got something some people are calling a false autumn, trees losing leaves and all – I reflect how lucky I am to have you here, interested enough in my… Continue reading August. (AIgust? Alchemust?)
A brief note about my AI Art Project
June ran past July
Where to start? It’s been a hot minute (or twelve) since I last did a proper monthly-ish bloggy update, and, wow, that heatwave over here was brutal. Not so much for the total temperature so much as the fact that locally it went from a high of like 24 Centigrade to 38 Centigrade (75 to… Continue reading June ran past July
Mouse Cage has been released!
Mouse Cage has, at last, been released!Details in the release thread on twitter: https://twitter.com/foozzzball/status/1547128112378429441And on my website: https://sinisbeautiful.com/mouse-cage/Mouse Cage is available in ebook and paperback from Amazon (US), (UK), or find it on Goodreads.
Mouse Cage Paperback available!
Pre-release Mouse Cage for Patrons – Available ’til 13-July!
Offered without comment.
Meeting by Mischance
( An old, very short piece, in which Troy Salcedo - lab mouse protagonist of Mouse Cage - meets someone who didn't know where the data for their biotech patent work came from. This dates back to before 2009, so is from about the time I started taking writing seriously. This possibly remains canonical, although… Continue reading Meeting by Mischance