Mouse Cage

Mouse Cage Troy carries more secrets with him than most. A test subject for experimental surgery, a clone gengineered from modified lab mice, an addict. He tells himself that his past is behind him, but he’ll never escape his childhood in Lake North’s labs. What was done to him there, what he was made into,… Continue reading Mouse Cage

Celebrating one hundred sales: Dog Country on special for a short time!

I’m very pleased to announce that Dog Country’s just recently sold its one hundredth copy, and to celebrate, I’m very briefly making it available at a lower price. Until the end of Friday, you can buy it from and at 99 cents! If you’re a little late to the party, it’ll be on… Continue reading Celebrating one hundred sales: Dog Country on special for a short time!

Two weeks on: Dog Country & Copyright Infringement

Wow, so. Here we are, two weeks on from the launch of Dog Country, my debut novel. (See here: ) Independently publishing it has been a heck of an experience. And, y’know what? It’s done great. With 60-65~ish sales (counting people using Kindle Unlimited’s read it free on a subscription thing) it’s succeeded well… Continue reading Two weeks on: Dog Country & Copyright Infringement

Dog Country

Dog Country A crowdfunded civil war is Azerbaijan’s only hope against its murderous dictatorship. The war is Edane Estian’s only chance to find out if he’s more than what he was designed to be. He’s a clone soldier, gengineered from a dog’s DNA and hardened by a brutal training regime. He’d be perfect for the… Continue reading Dog Country

On to the next project + Cons

So. My novel Dog Country's done. Or, more accurately, it's as done as I feel like I can reasonably make it in the time available to me. In theory it's the second draft, or at least that's what I've got it numbered as, practically it's kind of a third/fourth pass. At some level I would… Continue reading On to the next project + Cons

Recent Reviews, Current Activities

Okay, so, in the interest of keeping things all updated and everything on here, since last we spoke, I've gotten some neat reviews, some walks beside the Thames, achieved a lunar landing with a slide rule and logarithm table, and stood in a queue for two and a half hours. Firstly on the reviews front,… Continue reading Recent Reviews, Current Activities

Jane, Jill and Jasie

Jane, Jill and Jasie Three short stories by Malcolm Cross Being the beautiful, exotic girl is supposed to be a bed of roses, but this bed is lined with thorns. In these three short pieces of erotica about a sisterhood of furry clones from the city of San Iadras, discover just what it means when… Continue reading Jane, Jill and Jasie

Dangerous Jade

Dangerous Jade Never trust a smiling girl when she tells you what her name is. Especially not when she's a furry, one of the exotic mass produced clones of the city of San Iadras. Is her name Jamie? Really? There are a hundred and sixty-eight girls with that exact face, and that exact voice purring… Continue reading Dangerous Jade

Workblog for the week: Eat, Sleep, Write, FTL.

This has been one of those welcome weeks where the main thing I did all week was write. And write and write and write. To the point where it's slightly hard to recall what happened. I've been writing, reading trashy books, reading up on ridiculous warfare related items, and, as of yesterday, playing FTL. What… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Eat, Sleep, Write, FTL.

Workblog for the week: Definitely working on the next cupcake.

It is just, somehow, liberating to wind up in a situation where the words just flow. I'm not quite there on the current project, but it's closer than it's felt in months and months. So, wordcounts are high-ish, and morale's high-ish. The current project is indeed about a mangled War-Dog, and I have no idea… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Definitely working on the next cupcake.

Workblog for the week: Barking at the door.

Two weeks goes by fast, doesn't it? That's how long I've been working on putting together three pitch documents, which seems like it took longer than it should... but, then again, pitches are not prose. These specific ones required full plotting, which is one of those tasks that takes way more effort per word than… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Barking at the door.

Workblog for the week: FC? Oooh! Buy my stuff!

This is a brief Workblog for the week. I got some work done on the Brocade Goat, I got some work done on the Troy/Jen stuff I mentioned, but mainly? Mainly this weekend is Further Confusion, and people are (apparently) buying my novella, Dangerous Jade, right this moment! (Well. ... Around now, anyway.) Terribly exciting.… Continue reading Workblog for the week: FC? Oooh! Buy my stuff!