Workblog for the week: Awards! Plague! Censorship!

Okay. Awards, plague, and censorship are a lot to get through. Let's start on the easy stuff, how my work's been going this week. Still have very little faith in myself, but the faith of others has done a bang-up job of keeping me afloat. And, more to the point, towards a reasonable wordcount this… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Awards! Plague! Censorship!

Dangerous Jade: First Chapter Preview

(An excerpt from my erotic romance novella, Dangerous Jade!) Dangerous Jade by Malcolm Cross (First Chapter Sneak Preview) *** 1. - What Was Your Name?, or, The Olive Thing There it was, that electric thing. That eyes meeting across the room thing, that burning racetrack going from her eyes to the pit of her gut… Continue reading Dangerous Jade: First Chapter Preview