So. Uh. ... That happened. Check out the short fiction section on this link. ... Yeah. I'm actually kinda-sorta floored. I mean, I know I have people out there rooting for me and enjoying my work? And I massively appreciate that I do? I just don't think I realized that there were that many of… Continue reading Ursa Major Awards – Nominated!?
Tag: Avaritia
Avaritia, the sin of greed.
Dangerous Jade available as e-book!
Dangerous Jade is now available as an e-book, on Kindle (US) (UK) and on a variety of other e-readers via Smashwords, both for $7.99, and you can still pick it up in print from FurPlanet at $9.99. If you're still making your mind up, there are some reviews on the store pages, as well as… Continue reading Dangerous Jade available as e-book!
Workblog for the week: Little bit.
This week, like previous weeks, has been slow, slow, slow. However, I did manage to break the dry spell with some work on a new short story, and we can all cross our fingers about that, can't we? Meanwhile, a furry con, Furry Weekend Atlanta, is afoot. And good buddy Kyell Gold is launching his… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Little bit.
Jack, Schuyler’s Giant Killer
( A short story from a sort of... body-horror, gore-tastic, ridiculous setting I really want to do more with. Quite an early work, back when I was more or less posting stuff like this on hobby forums and the equivalent of DeviantArt. ) Jack, Schuyler's Giant Killer by Malcolm 'foozzzball' Cross (8000 words) "The sky… Continue reading Jack, Schuyler’s Giant Killer