Patreon still on pause. (November.)

Okay, so.

That pause? Is going to continue, and you shouldn’t have been charged this month – the next time you should be charged will be January 1st, 2018.

This is because, that psychiatric appointment I mentioned last month? I now have a diagnosis, and we’re putting together some treatment plans for me. I’m not ready to talk about it in any detail publicly, but I can say that it looks like some really long standing issues got pushed and remixed into something acute. 

It’s going to take awhile to get treatment rolling, and some parts of it will be easy and some won’t, and I need to discover what that’s going to do to my writing before I settle back into schedule with the Patreon.

As ever, thank you so much for all your support, and I look forward to rejoining you all! <3

Categorized as Patreon

By foozzzball

Malcolm Cross, otherwise known as 'foozzzball', lives in London and enjoys the personal space and privacy that the city is known for. When not misdirecting tourists to nonexistant landmarks and lurking at bus stops, Malcolm enjoys writing science fiction and fantasy with a furry twist.