AI, the Algorithm, and the Attention Economy.

Ignore the way generative AI is created, the ecological and social impact, the abuse of copyright. Pretend it’s a fantastic machine, a cornucopia of content that responds to simple inputs with many outcomes, some of which a user will find artistically pleasing or match what they hoped for. A little like pulling the lever on… Continue reading AI, the Algorithm, and the Attention Economy.

Comparison between the first chapter of Mickey Spillane’s ‘I, the Jury’ and P. C. Hatter’s ‘I, the Tribunal’

Introduction. Section 1 – Opening: Mike Hammer arrives at the murder scene: Section 2 – Mike expresses his bloodlust. Section 3 – Mike and Pat talk motives. Parody, tracing, and what I would have done. Introduction This morning I woke up and ran across something that made me absolutely furiously angry, and for my own… Continue reading Comparison between the first chapter of Mickey Spillane’s ‘I, the Jury’ and P. C. Hatter’s ‘I, the Tribunal’

Two weeks on: Dog Country & Copyright Infringement

Wow, so. Here we are, two weeks on from the launch of Dog Country, my debut novel. (See here: ) Independently publishing it has been a heck of an experience. And, y’know what? It’s done great. With 60-65~ish sales (counting people using Kindle Unlimited’s read it free on a subscription thing) it’s succeeded well… Continue reading Two weeks on: Dog Country & Copyright Infringement

Life on both sides of the fence – Some blabbing about writing in and outside of a niche fandom.

My writing career, to put none too fine a point on it, is screwy. But the first thing you learn, trying to make writing your business, is that everyone's career is screwy. Recently while playing MechWarrior Online (I play videogames! That's socially acceptable now!) I was talking to another player in a public channel about… Continue reading Life on both sides of the fence – Some blabbing about writing in and outside of a niche fandom.

Risking burnout and writerly fetishes.

So. As those of you who follow me on twitter/generally stalk me are likely aware, I am currently working flat out on getting the first draft for Dog Country done. This has resulted in some thoughts, which I will get to in a moment. First up, things are getting finalized very rapidly on Orbital Decay,… Continue reading Risking burnout and writerly fetishes.

Workblog for the week: More censorship, plots.

Okay. So. That whole censorship fiasco? Ongoing. And maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. You can read more about it from Mark Coker, Smashwords' CEO, here -> <- however, two points out of that I take particular note of. Firstly, the National Coalition Against Censorship and the American Bookseller's Foundation For Free Expression… Continue reading Workblog for the week: More censorship, plots.

Workblog for the week: Awards! Plague! Censorship!

Okay. Awards, plague, and censorship are a lot to get through. Let's start on the easy stuff, how my work's been going this week. Still have very little faith in myself, but the faith of others has done a bang-up job of keeping me afloat. And, more to the point, towards a reasonable wordcount this… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Awards! Plague! Censorship!

Workblog for the week: My Cryotube is SPHed.

Apparently Dangerous Jade did fairly okay at FC, where it released last weekend. I am chewing off my fingernails, since apparently reviews are meant to be emerging from the shadows of the internet at some point, and of course Dangerous Jade is going to start shipping with online orders. (I will probably make noise when… Continue reading Workblog for the week: My Cryotube is SPHed.