Spring Cleaning

Just been cleaning up the website a bit and experimenting with giving wordpress a bit of a refresh. Also, apparently there are ways to integrate Patreon with the website, which I'm giving a try - including importing Patreon posts over here. So, that's exciting to fiddle with...

It May be June, but…

It may be June, but I have yet to properly notice. I have re-read Mouse Cage (doing proofing and other minor polish) three times in a little bit over a week. It is not a short book, and that is after doing nothing but hammer on this book for... I don’t know how long.I’m happy… Continue reading It May be June, but…

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April May Be Over…

April may be over, but I have barely noticed.I am in the process of making final tweaks to the Mouse Cage manuscript. The book’s complete, but I have another two weeks before the last proofing pass, and I intend to use them.Can I tweak the opening for more emotional resonance? What happens if I try… Continue reading April May Be Over…

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Quick March

I’ve largely been keeping my head down while working on getting Mouse Cage ready. All my little paranoias are coming back out to roost even as the manuscript approaches the point I can re-read it to enjoy it, admittedly, but progress is fairly hopeful on the whole.Trouble is, every time I manage to put my… Continue reading Quick March

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Frigging February

Yeah. Uh. February got way more exciting than it was supposed to be.The Russian invasion of Ukraine has eaten up a lot of my attention, understandably.I have relatively little commentary to make as a science fiction author of occasional military SF, given that I write about fiction, but I will offer a reminder that war… Continue reading Frigging February

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Jaunting into January

A brand new season begins. My idiosyncratic calendar of three seasons a year has tipped over into spring – which I, personally, find a surprise given how cold it’s been over my way. Spring is all about new growth and bringing things out of dormancy to full bloom, however, and that is definitely on the… Continue reading Jaunting into January

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Departing December

Hello, at the dawn of 2022. I hope your holidays have been well, and that your year ahead is looking if not outright hopeful, at least like something you can shape into something better.My year ahead? That’s definitely a mix, some hopeful, some scary, but there’s a lot of room to sculpt it, and I’ve… Continue reading Departing December

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Remixing November

Okay, so, first up – I am going to be upping the prices on my self-published efforts as of January 2022.The short, quick explanation is that if I sell around 500 copies of a work (Dog Country has, if we factor in the Kindle Unlimited thing, sold around 450-500 copies) I, at present, earn back… Continue reading Remixing November

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October Phantoms

A friend of mine goes in for open water swimming. I’ve never tried it, or gone to watch them, but I imagine there is a moment in which when you’re not quite sure where you are you slow down, tread water, poke your head above water and take a breath. One of those moments of… Continue reading October Phantoms

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Long days of August

Life has changed. It is very, very difficult to know how to talk about or enumerate all those changes – my last patreons only post goes into it – but even if my circumstances have changed, and continue to change while I find out what my new normal looks like, I’m managing to work on… Continue reading Long days of August

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June and July, changes.

This is a very short update.That change in circumstances I mentioned as a possibility last time? That's come to pass, and there are a lot of changes I need to cope with, now. Going to do my best to keep at it, but for a little while, coping with life needs to come first.I'll keep… Continue reading June and July, changes.

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Come what May

Let me start with the work, and where all of that stands.As you may know, for the past year and change I’ve organized my year idiosyncratically around three seasons. Last month I started my ‘summer’ season, in which I’m aiming to achieve three projects – the revisions for Aconite Braid, bringing it up to the… Continue reading Come what May

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April Fast, or April Slow?

I am not sure if the April just past was excruciatingly long, or incredibly short. It managed to be both at once over here, which is its own kind of magic.Last month I managed to finish the first draft of my WIP, Aconite Braid. I am incredibly pleased and there are a number of very… Continue reading April Fast, or April Slow?

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