Hi! Hope the month finds you well, and, with at least a little luck, finds you and/or many of your loved ones vaccinated.This is a relatively quick update. I won’t go too far into details – I’m never quite sure what I should and shouldn’t share with the public of my personal circumstances – but… Continue reading Quick March Update
Author: foozzzball
Malcolm Cross, otherwise known as 'foozzzball', lives in London and enjoys the personal space and privacy that the city is known for. When not misdirecting tourists to nonexistant landmarks and lurking at bus stops, Malcolm enjoys writing science fiction and fantasy with a furry twist.
February to February – a year of handwashing.
It hasn’t all been lockdowns, at least not over here, but it’s been a year since Covid-19 hit my radar and I suggested we all get enthusiastic about handwashing. It’s been a tricky year, hasn’t it? Exhausting. But one thing I’m not exhausted of is washing my hands – I regard each bar of soap… Continue reading February to February – a year of handwashing.
January Up and Down and Update
The trouble with being interested in the world is that sometimes the world is too interesting, and reading the news all day with my jaw slack from just how utterly bananas the world is not a very useful way to spend my time.I’ve been thinking a lot about time this month – partly because I’ve… Continue reading January Up and Down and Update
2020 Hindsight (December)
Heck of a year, huh?Of course, in reality, all the events we’re worrying about are on-going, but the psychological effect of crossing the calendrical boundary and entering 2021 is real, and it’s valuable.There was a meme going around which summed it up pretty well – Don’t assume 2021 will be better, force it to be… Continue reading 2020 Hindsight (December)
Dog Country is in Print!
So, I made this announcement on twitter, so you’ve likely seen it, but for those patrons not on there, an adapted announcement:I am pleased to announce, officially, that you, my Patreon patrons, have helped me self publish a paperback edition of Dog Country, which is now available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PJN7234 ( US ) / https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08PJN7234( UK… Continue reading Dog Country is in Print!
Remember remember there’s no 31st of November
Between the election (thank you, voting Americans) impinging on me across the Atlantic, tricky life stuff and happy surprises, writing’s been pretty rough this past month.Not stopped, or stalled out, but rough. Some good days were mixed in, and I’ll talk about the math of it all in a bit, but, the short version? This… Continue reading Remember remember there’s no 31st of November
A peek over my shoulder – a glimpse at Aconite Braid’s working documents.
October Ghosts
It is really strange to be here after spending the lion’s share of the previous month writing actual story, instead of just working on endless streams of outlines. But, thankfully, thanks to Aconite Braid being a complete story in and of itself, I have actually managed to reach the end of outlines, and I’m drafting.Or,… Continue reading October Ghosts
September Utterances
We’re now comfortably into September, and I’m almost three weeks into my September-January writing season.I finished up last season by putting together a series outline for my space opera project, Legacy of a Silver Age. The four books are stitched together with a lot of connections between them, and it is really close to something… Continue reading September Utterances
An Update In August
This morning I got to do something very special: change my pen’s ink cartridge. It always feels a little auspicious – slinging that much ink is an achievement every time.(Also, when a cartridge-fed pen runs out, refilling it feels adult and responsible. When a disposable pen runs out, it’s always, ALWAYS frustrating. Get refillable pens!)So,… Continue reading An Update In August
A peek over my shoulder – Figuring out how I wrote Dog Country
July Update
Once more, hello!So, last month’s main news was integrating my copy-edits from Jon Oliver (https://www.jonolivereditor.co.uk/), which you can see more about in the last peek over my shoulder. I’m very happy with the results and feel a lot more confident about my manuscript as a result, and, thank you all – it’s the Patreon support… Continue reading July Update
Behind the Scenes: Stone Sparrow
A peek over my shoulder: Integrating Copy-Edits
A difficult June past
If you hadn’t noticed, and you might not have, some pretty serious allegations about harassment have been appearing across the entertainment industry. People in science fiction and fantasy publishing have been mentioned, along with the more prominent figures in comics and gaming, and... I really don’t know what to say about any of the allegations.What… Continue reading A difficult June past
May things get better.
I may, or may not, have had Covid. Crazy, huh?The story goes something like this – earlier this month I developed a fever that hit me like a sledgehammer, then, thankfully, it went away. A very mild cough followed, along with some very kooky fatigue issues that haven’t entirely cleared up yet. Due to the...… Continue reading May things get better.
April Disinfectant Showers
I trust you’ve washed your hands. You haven’t? Go wash your hands – fingertips, backs of the knuckles, between your fingers. Lots of soap. Done that? Okay. Last time I updated you all on my progress, over here, we were at just under a million cases globally. We’re now past three million. It’s a scary number,… Continue reading April Disinfectant Showers
Marching At Home
Wash your hands. They washed? Okay. Chances are good that you, like an astonishingly high percentage of the global population, are in the middle of an unprecedented lockdown, or quarantine, or shelter in place. It’s a wild time to be alive. It’s a wild time to try and get ahold of groceries.Me and mine are doing… Continue reading Marching At Home
A peek over my shoulder – Treading Water in March 2020
Leaping past February
So. As my patrons know (thanks to the recent peek over my shoulder), I have been grinding my face against outlines for what is starting to feel like forever. So far, though, I find something useful to add or tweak every day, so I think there’s still a lot of forward progress happening.That’s good.Less good?… Continue reading Leaping past February