I always find myself interested with how we all naturally find ourselves under that impulse to try and put forward our best selves online. We post the photos that came out best, we pretend the half-dozen that didn’t were never taken at all. It makes the etiquette for talking about your bad day in public… Continue reading Public blog update (15 September)
Author: foozzzball
Malcolm Cross, otherwise known as 'foozzzball', lives in London and enjoys the personal space and privacy that the city is known for. When not misdirecting tourists to nonexistant landmarks and lurking at bus stops, Malcolm enjoys writing science fiction and fantasy with a furry twist.
Process: A Theory of Narrative Composition: Butchery
Monthly Essay: On the Folkish
This month, for the first of the monthly essays (unlocked thanks to your support!), we have some in-character material written about the Folkish, from the current work-in-progress novel. ***Hundreds of years in the past, before the cataclysm that split the world and drove all wizardry from the face of the earth, the wizards created servants for… Continue reading Monthly Essay: On the Folkish
Favourite Snippet – August 23rd
Hi folks,Just dropping by in between two conventions (Worldcon 75 in Helsinki and Eurofurence 23), which I am mostly attending as a civilian but if you want me to sign something at EF, yell at me on twitter and we can set that up. So far it's going really well - there was a panel on… Continue reading Conventions!
$20+ Monthly Questions
Curated Snippets – August 06th
$10+ Patron Monthly Chat (Sunday, 18:00 GMT)
$10+ Patron Webchat Poll
Process: A Theory of Narrative Composition: Beef
Slight reorganization to Patreon
Just a note to all Patrons - I've started shifting a few things around to streamline Patreon and help me keep things in order and make it easier to stay on-schedule.The big highlights are that all $10+ Patrons now have access to the monthly web chat (details on that soon), $20+ Patrons can get a… Continue reading Slight reorganization to Patreon
Bit of slowdown…
Things are a little slowed down, thanks to personal circumstances (tm), but will hopefully be picking up again soon. All of your patience as things crawl along is very much appreciated!Do be aware that most likely in September we'll see changes to the patron reward tiers, and hopefully I'll have some more news on that… Continue reading Bit of slowdown…