Three quick reviews for #FurryBookMonth

It's October! You know what that means, don't you? ... No? Well, I guess that's allowable as this is the very first #FurryBookMonth! For more details, including special prices on many fine furry publications, head over here: In the meanwhile, here are three short reviews of some of the furry fiction I've read so… Continue reading Three quick reviews for #FurryBookMonth

Categorized as Personal

Extinction Biome: Invasion, now released!

The book I co-authored with Anne Tibbets (, under the house pen name of Addison Gunn, is now available for purchase! The book is titled Extinction Biome: Invasion, and I'll let the blurb tell the story: THE EARTH WAS NEVER OURS Alex Miller trained for years in the Army, waiting for a war that never… Continue reading Extinction Biome: Invasion, now released!

Celebrating one hundred sales: Dog Country on special for a short time!

I’m very pleased to announce that Dog Country’s just recently sold its one hundredth copy, and to celebrate, I’m very briefly making it available at a lower price. Until the end of Friday, you can buy it from and at 99 cents! If you’re a little late to the party, it’ll be on… Continue reading Celebrating one hundred sales: Dog Country on special for a short time!

Two weeks on: Dog Country & Copyright Infringement

Wow, so. Here we are, two weeks on from the launch of Dog Country, my debut novel. (See here: ) Independently publishing it has been a heck of an experience. And, y’know what? It’s done great. With 60-65~ish sales (counting people using Kindle Unlimited’s read it free on a subscription thing) it’s succeeded well… Continue reading Two weeks on: Dog Country & Copyright Infringement

Pneumonic November

So. I've been laid up with pneumonia for most of the month, including a six day stay in hospital to receive treatment with IV antibiotics and ventilators after my lungs more or less decided to stop working. Thank heavens for the NHS and fie on any politician trying to pull it apart. Other than that,… Continue reading Pneumonic November

Categorized as Personal

Happy Holidays, wrapping up the year, and things of that ilk.

So. Happy holidays, and I hope the year's been absolutely wonderful to you and yours! My year's been ups and downs, like any good year should be. Just lately it's been spent running myself a little ragged, rewriting things and catching up after a double-dip spell of the flu which has left me with one… Continue reading Happy Holidays, wrapping up the year, and things of that ilk.

Post-con shenanigans, titles, and outlines.

Slow off the mark this month! So. I attended both LonCon 3 (Worldcon) and Eurofurence 20 last month, and, man. I did not expect things to be so tiring. I actually managed to give myself a fairly heinous foot blister by the end of Eurofurence, so, I've been taking the excuse to be fairly lazy… Continue reading Post-con shenanigans, titles, and outlines.

On to the next project + Cons

So. My novel Dog Country's done. Or, more accurately, it's as done as I feel like I can reasonably make it in the time available to me. In theory it's the second draft, or at least that's what I've got it numbered as, practically it's kind of a third/fourth pass. At some level I would… Continue reading On to the next project + Cons

Revision Country + Journal Of Plague Year Out In UK!

So. Most of the previous month has been eaten up by edits on Dog Country, and I'm about twenty percent into the second second draft (it needed more than one second draft), but, annoyingly, I've spent a lot of that time planning out my edits rather than actually making them. Complete with a revision outline.… Continue reading Revision Country + Journal Of Plague Year Out In UK!

Life in April.

Continuing my trend of making at least a monthly update, this month's big news is, of course, the release of Pavlov's House. (Read it on Strange Horizons here.) It's my first pro-level short fiction sale, and it is probably one of my best works to date. In brief, it's about one of the dogs from… Continue reading Life in April.

Pavlov’s House now out!

Pavlov's House, my first pro-level short story sale, was published on Strange Horizons today! Go read it! Now! Immediately! In brief, it's one of my war dog stories, and while you might think the title refers to Pavlov the physiologist and his dogs, which it does, you might be interested to know that there have… Continue reading Pavlov’s House now out!

Back at the grindstone.

So. After doing some indulgent sideline writing about power armour to keep my hands moving, which is unlikely to see the light of day, I am now back on the Dog Country manuscript, taking the first pass of reacquainting myself with the text and cleaning it up. So far, I am feeling mostly happy with… Continue reading Back at the grindstone.

Life on both sides of the fence – Some blabbing about writing in and outside of a niche fandom.

My writing career, to put none too fine a point on it, is screwy. But the first thing you learn, trying to make writing your business, is that everyone's career is screwy. Recently while playing MechWarrior Online (I play videogames! That's socially acceptable now!) I was talking to another player in a public channel about… Continue reading Life on both sides of the fence – Some blabbing about writing in and outside of a niche fandom.

Risking burnout and writerly fetishes.

So. As those of you who follow me on twitter/generally stalk me are likely aware, I am currently working flat out on getting the first draft for Dog Country done. This has resulted in some thoughts, which I will get to in a moment. First up, things are getting finalized very rapidly on Orbital Decay,… Continue reading Risking burnout and writerly fetishes.

Something on the way, back in the slush piles, and Ancillary Justice

Okay, so, getting through things roughly in order... In absolutely positive news, things are slowly getting finalized on a novella I've produced for Abaddon Books. What I can confidently say at the moment is that it's provisionally titled 'Orbital Decay', it's around 30 000 words long (fractionally longer than Dangerous Jade), and it's set in… Continue reading Something on the way, back in the slush piles, and Ancillary Justice

Recent Reviews, Current Activities

Okay, so, in the interest of keeping things all updated and everything on here, since last we spoke, I've gotten some neat reviews, some walks beside the Thames, achieved a lunar landing with a slide rule and logarithm table, and stood in a queue for two and a half hours. Firstly on the reviews front,… Continue reading Recent Reviews, Current Activities

A very brief review of Papers, Please.

Papers, Please is one of those games that, I feel, explores what storytelling in videogames is all about. From the point we're confronted with a near perfectly immersive interface -- we interact with the world by moving documents around, as we step into the role of a passport inspector/border checkpoint desk agent -- to the… Continue reading A very brief review of Papers, Please.