*Stretches.* It's interesting how completely an activity which is only debatably 'work' can take over one's life. According to my daily work log (It's useful knowing what I did, and it's morale boosting to be able to put in big events), since the last time I wrote one of these I have: Completed the second… Continue reading Ongoing ongoings.
Category: Personal
Posts of a personal nature.
News, scary things, recent reading.
So, in semi-recent news, Askazi Myths is on a brief little hiatus before the next arc starts (an arc I am confident will turn out awesome) and the artist, Tanzenlicht, has applied some pressure and more or less decided that people should see the scripts behind the comic. So, now you can read the scripts… Continue reading News, scary things, recent reading.
Boring update about London riots.
For those wondering, I am fine, everything else is fine, it is, however, remarkably distracting and I am incapable of getting anything useful done.
fooz on a friday.
The week has been busy, and yet not busy, simultaneously. Little has been achieved, though I did cook up a story concept which I am - now that I've thought the thing through in its entirety - not entirely convinced works as a story. I shall see if I work on it further or abandon… Continue reading fooz on a friday.
Things Found: Short Stories
'Filling Up The Void' - Richard E. Gropp - Interesting short story, primarily notable for presenting a furry protagonist and raaather adult themes in what is, ultimately, a fairly mainstream SF venue. Ending is rather telegraphed, and if you read a lot of sci fi you're not going to meet much new, but the execution's… Continue reading Things Found: Short Stories
Updates and experimentation.
Hello! I'm Malcolm 'foozzzball' Cross, and I'm experimenting with turning my personal website into a blog. You probably already know me, thus how you found this, but if you don't... I'm awesome. So far I've posted a couple of bits of older fiction as 'Ephemera and Vignettes', and plan to get some of the novellas… Continue reading Updates and experimentation.