Oh, hi there. Would you like to save ten percent off the purchase of everything I've written in print to date? You would? Awesome. Furplanet's holding a sale from May 1st to May 3rd, with the checkout code 'OUTDOOR'. Now, while you could use this opportunity to buy everything else Furplanet sells as well as… Continue reading Sale from May 1st-3rd at Furplanet – buy my stuff!
Author: foozzzball
Malcolm Cross, otherwise known as 'foozzzball', lives in London and enjoys the personal space and privacy that the city is known for. When not misdirecting tourists to nonexistant landmarks and lurking at bus stops, Malcolm enjoys writing science fiction and fantasy with a furry twist.
Workblog for the week: What, am I a real author now or something?
Two huge, huge events this week. The first involved the arrival my first payment for Dangerous Jade - roughly fifty copies have been sold so far, which, you know, for a debut from a guy most people haven't heard of, that's pretty damn good. So, does that make me a 'real author'? How about being… Continue reading Workblog for the week: What, am I a real author now or something?
Workblog for the week: Notable.
So, apparently, making notes is helpful. How do I know this? I have gone so far as to add 'made notes' to my work records two days in a row. And it has been helpful. What my technique seems to be, and it's rather astonishing to me that I am developing a technique, is to… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Notable.
Workblog for the week: Solid.
So, for the first time in awhile, I'm more or less edging back onto my schedule, and have been working on my novel all week. Which, let me say, makes me ridiculously happy, even if progress is slow. Sometimes writer's block is something you need to edge out of your way bit by bit, rather… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Solid.
Workblog for the week: Back out there.
Well. Let's see. Among other things this week, I wrote a little bit of flash fiction, which is currently sitting in someone's slush pile. I'm quite happy with that. Finishing something, for two weeks in a row, feels nice. :3 I'm also back to work on my novel, with a toehold duly found, and I… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Back out there.
Workblog for the week: Do-over.
Well, I mentioned a short story I was working on last week. Well, I ended up scrapping it and starting over, then scrapping it again, and starting work on a whole new short story entirely. This new one actually worked out okay, and although I'm not thrilled with it, I am happy to have finished… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Do-over.
Workblog for the week: Back on track.
Sort of positive news. Looking back at my daily wordcounts for the week, they are, if not great, consistent. Consistency is the difference between watery phlegm and a rhinoceros. Consistency is good. Work is currently on a short story, mind, but it's getting me back into the workflow for the novel, which I am looking forward to… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Back on track.
Workblog for the week: Little bit.
This week, like previous weeks, has been slow, slow, slow. However, I did manage to break the dry spell with some work on a new short story, and we can all cross our fingers about that, can't we? Meanwhile, a furry con, Furry Weekend Atlanta, is afoot. And good buddy Kyell Gold is launching his… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Little bit.
Workblog for the week: Nada.
This week hasn't really resulted in anything we could call 'work'. I did get a rejection back on one of my stories, and I need to figure out if I'm going to extend it a little so it can sell to a few more markets, or if I'm going to wait for other submissions in… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Nada.
Workblog for the week: More censorship, plots.
Okay. So. That whole censorship fiasco? Ongoing. And maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. You can read more about it from Mark Coker, Smashwords' CEO, here -> http://www.smashwords.com/press/release/30 <- however, two points out of that I take particular note of. Firstly, the National Coalition Against Censorship and the American Bookseller's Foundation For Free Expression… Continue reading Workblog for the week: More censorship, plots.
On Paypal, Erotica, and ‘Censorship’.
Okay. So. To introduce those who are unaware of the situation, in the last week or two, Paypal's been getting in touch with various e-book vendors, demanding they remove certain types of erotica from sale to comply with Paypal's terms of use. Now, granted, their list of off-limits content is pretty ugly to look at… Continue reading On Paypal, Erotica, and ‘Censorship’.
Workblog for the week: Awards! Plague! Censorship!
Okay. Awards, plague, and censorship are a lot to get through. Let's start on the easy stuff, how my work's been going this week. Still have very little faith in myself, but the faith of others has done a bang-up job of keeping me afloat. And, more to the point, towards a reasonable wordcount this… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Awards! Plague! Censorship!
Workblog for the week: Fixing it in post.
This week has been miserable, writing-wise. Lots of lack of faith in myself, but that's natural from time to time. To defeat the bad vibes, I've been sending out more material to try and sell it. Yes, this will result in rejection. Rejections aren't the point -- getting back into the stride of the cycle… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Fixing it in post.
Jack, Schuyler’s Giant Killer
( A short story from a sort of... body-horror, gore-tastic, ridiculous setting I really want to do more with. Quite an early work, back when I was more or less posting stuff like this on hobby forums and the equivalent of DeviantArt. ) Jack, Schuyler's Giant Killer by Malcolm 'foozzzball' Cross (8000 words) "The sky… Continue reading Jack, Schuyler’s Giant Killer
Workblog for the week: The long and short of it.
Very little to report this week. There is some potentially very fun stuff on the horizon, although that can't be spoken of just yet, but it does involve thylacines. Also it's been snowing this week in London - very rare event, all things taken into inclusion, and so I've been staring at the snow a… Continue reading Workblog for the week: The long and short of it.
Workblog for the week: Dangerous Jade for sale!
Another week with comparatively little to report. I got some writing done on my novel, the Pirate's Beard, and had a bit of computer upheaval, and, OH MAN, IS DANGEROUS JADE LEGITIMATELY ON SALE NOW? YES IT IS. (According to the thing about the dates. The site will hopefully be updated soon.) Also someone reviewed… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Dangerous Jade for sale!
Workblog for the week: Lazy List
On our plate this week, we discover: The first review for Dangerous Jade, although it has spoilers. (You're safe if you've already read the first chapter's preview, however.) They had pretty nifty steam engines in 1750, however I will be branded a steampunk for including just one in my novel. I have finished off my… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Lazy List
Workblog for the week: My Cryotube is SPHed.
Apparently Dangerous Jade did fairly okay at FC, where it released last weekend. I am chewing off my fingernails, since apparently reviews are meant to be emerging from the shadows of the internet at some point, and of course Dangerous Jade is going to start shipping with online orders. (I will probably make noise when… Continue reading Workblog for the week: My Cryotube is SPHed.
Workblog for the week: FC? Oooh! Buy my stuff!
This is a brief Workblog for the week. I got some work done on the Brocade Goat, I got some work done on the Troy/Jen stuff I mentioned, but mainly? Mainly this weekend is Further Confusion, and people are (apparently) buying my novella, Dangerous Jade, right this moment! (Well. ... Around now, anyway.) Terribly exciting.… Continue reading Workblog for the week: FC? Oooh! Buy my stuff!
Workblog For The Week : Getting worked over by the muse.
After a slightly rocky start to the year, I find myself in the pleasant situation of being able to report that the muse has come along and inspired me to start work on something that may turn into a Troy/Jen novella or serial. It's a surprisingly significant whack of inspiration, too. The kind that most… Continue reading Workblog For The Week : Getting worked over by the muse.