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The blog of Malcolm F. Cross
Malcolm Cross, otherwise known as 'foozzzball', lives in London and enjoys the personal space and privacy that the city is known for. When not misdirecting tourists to nonexistant landmarks and lurking at bus stops, Malcolm enjoys writing science fiction and fantasy with a furry twist.
Just a quick announcement from here - as of March 31, the Patreon will - at long last - be unpaused. From now heading forward I will start to throw up snippets and whatever else I'm inspired to do alongside the work, just so there's enough of a lead-in period current patrons will have some… Continue reading Patreon back online (at last)
So life’s getting kinda busy for me. Mostly in a good way – I’m getting hours and hours in at my keyboard, and while not all of that time’s spent writing (I just finished a 20 page world bible, for instance) it is all feeling productive and wonderful.In order to achieve that, rather than looking… Continue reading January Update (+ Thoughts about future Patreon efforts.)
The thing about New Years’ resolutions, and why they fall by the wayside, is that they tend not to be decisions. They tend to be hopes and dreams. ‘I’ll go to the gym every day.’ It doesn’t sound like a hope and dream, but it is – it’s the result that’s the hope and dream.… Continue reading December Decisions
Mistake tolerance. This is a term invented by Adam Savage in his book, Every Tool’s a Hammer. Naturally, as a lifelong maker and engineer, Adam Savage uses mechanical concepts as a way to frame his life philosophy. And I think it’s resulted in a very, very valuable perspective. Mistake tolerance is akin to mechanical tolerance.… Continue reading November News
As I’m sure you’ve all heard, Brexit has been delayed. So that’s one thing off the collective national back, at least until January. My relationship with my work is... improving, lately. I’ve managed to do some hobby non-fiction writing, although very little of it is suitable to see the light of day anywhere. Think in terms… Continue reading October Update
September has been a really long month for me, mentally. Making that long story short, what I can say is that as my mental health improves, it means I can look at deeper issues or things I just kind of shoved aside and ignored while under a lot of tension. While this is absolutely helpful,… Continue reading A September Update. (Still paused.)
So. You all know I live in London, right? And you’ve all heard of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, AKA our prime minister, AKA Tory Trump?It was funny, and then it was alarming. Then Hong Kong’s protests got crazy, then people were marching to try and stop a ‘coup’ – in that Johnson’s government is… Continue reading A (not so) August update
So this month, the main thing I’ve been up to is playing with time management and goal tracking techniques. I believe I’ve mentioned a problem I’ve been having – setting goals has been difficult for me. The mental health beast has had me being very punitive towards myself when I don’t achieve a goal, and… Continue reading Update in July
So. I’ve had to change tack, a little bit. Last month I spoke about failing to forgive myself – part of that failure to forgive myself? That’s been a resistance to looking at the facts of where I’m at.My mental health journey’s been a long one. But with summer sunshine, I’ve been noticing that colours… Continue reading An update for June (just past)
So, did you all hear that the World Health Organization now recognizes burnout as an ‘occupational phenomenon’? It’s not quite a medical condition, but it’s totally a real thing. This news was strangely serendipitous – just a few days earlier I’d been in a session with my therapist, and my therapist used the phrase ‘burnout’… Continue reading An Update for May
This month I have done a tiny bit of travel, a medium sized bit of work giving feedback on a friend's manuscript, been refining some of my time management, digging into where the heck 'passion' comes from and what it is, and saw both Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame.No spoilers for either, but one unspoilery… Continue reading An Update For April
So, that prestigious workshop I applied to? Didn’t get in. But the process of making the attempt, and what that reveals, has been very helpful. Mainly because it shows I’m starting to take actions proactively, rather than reactively. Instead of searching for a solution to a problem I have, or seeking a way to cope… Continue reading A somewhat timely update
Ugh. I've been holding off on updating you guys about how it's been going this past month, because I've been wrestling with whether or not to apply to this prestigious workshop, and since I haven't solidly made an actual decision yet, somehow, just somehow, I let posting this (and pausing the Patreon) slip past me.… Continue reading A mildly delayed update.
So. Here we are, a little bit more than a year later. Been longer than I thought, but then again, sometimes I thought that last year would never end.Across 2018 my life’s major focus has been on a variety of treatments for mental health. While I’m still receiving care, coping with the acute difficulties I… Continue reading A long awaited update.
Things are still on pause (next round of payment should be February), thanks to holiday craziness combined with psychiatric treatment taking quite a lot of time. Things do seem quite positive, though, since I managed to participate in my family's Christmas celebrations successfully for the first time in near enough a decade, so, I'll keep you… Continue reading Still on pause!
Okay, so.That pause? Is going to continue, and you shouldn't have been charged this month - the next time you should be charged will be January 1st, 2018.This is because, that psychiatric appointment I mentioned last month? I now have a diagnosis, and we're putting together some treatment plans for me. I'm not ready to… Continue reading Patreon still on pause. (November.)
Firstly, and most importantly, I’m putting Patreon on a very brief pause. You don’t need to do anything about this - none of you will be charged come November first - and service should resume as normal during November, with charging resuming in December. ( I’m doing this thing -> )So. Secondly.As you all know… Continue reading Patreon On Pause (October)