Workblog for the week: Definitely working on the next cupcake.

It is just, somehow, liberating to wind up in a situation where the words just flow.

I’m not quite there on the current project, but it’s closer than it’s felt in months and months. So, wordcounts are high-ish, and morale’s high-ish. The current project is indeed about a mangled War-Dog, and I have no idea what the title will be. But, it’s deeply intertextual with the rest of the War Dog works, and tin cans of meat contain limescale remover. Yes, the infamous ‘meat’ is making a glorious (if preservative-tainted) return.

Also, I donated blood this week for the first time. I have less blood, and more social responsibility!

By foozzzball

Malcolm Cross, otherwise known as 'foozzzball', lives in London and enjoys the personal space and privacy that the city is known for. When not misdirecting tourists to nonexistant landmarks and lurking at bus stops, Malcolm enjoys writing science fiction and fantasy with a furry twist.

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