Workblog for the week: On a boat?

This past week has been incredibly unproductive. Why, you may reasonably ask? The answer will astound: I was on a boat. A very large boat. A boat named HMS Victory. And another boat, named HMS Warrior. And some museums. And I was otherwise around and about the highly nautical city of Portsmouth. Unfortunately, thanks to… Continue reading Workblog for the week: On a boat?

Workblog for the week: Blowing hot air.

So much of my week's been spent defeating writer's block, and it's been fairly successful - not the greatest week of writing, but far better than previously, and I finished a new scene which those I have shown it to, in order to gather positive reinforcement, have claimed to enjoy. Much of this involves a… Continue reading Workblog for the week: Blowing hot air.

Workblog for the week, uhm, Skyrim much?

Amazing how these weeks stack up. This weekend, I've started playing Skyrim. So next week's workblog might... be a little thin. As it is, this week's been filled with thrills and excitement. Dangerous Jade, my novella, is looking on track for the moment, and developments relating to the art for that's been absolutely thrilling. More… Continue reading Workblog for the week, uhm, Skyrim much?

Workblog for the week, part the third.

Another week, another blog totting up my work for the week. Frankly, been a lousy week for me. Consistently been getting started late. But, also consistently been getting work in on the novel, so it's not all bad. (I could blame the character I'm writing - I switched viewpoint characters around the start of the… Continue reading Workblog for the week, part the third.

Workblog for the Week, again.

So! News for the week. Biggest news is undoubtedly that my cupcake novella, Dangerous Jade, has reached release-candidate draft status and is now undergoing proofing. I can tell you about that. What I can't tell you about, just yet, is that the artist lined up to do the cover and interior illustrations has a name… Continue reading Workblog for the Week, again.

An evening with Terry Pratchett + Tomorrow.

Well. Okay. That was extraordinarily thinglike. I've just returned from Drury Lane (or nearly Drury Lane, in any case) where 'An Evening With Terry Pratchett' was held. Theatre, packed to the brim with people, myself in the absolute nosebleed seats in the balcony back row, all staring down there as the man himself and his… Continue reading An evening with Terry Pratchett + Tomorrow.

Ongoing ongoings.

*Stretches.* It's interesting how completely an activity which is only debatably 'work' can take over one's life. According to my daily work log (It's useful knowing what I did, and it's morale boosting to be able to put in big events), since the last time I wrote one of these I have: Completed the second… Continue reading Ongoing ongoings.

Boring update about London riots.

For those wondering, I am fine, everything else is fine, it is, however, remarkably distracting and I am incapable of getting anything useful done.

Categorized as Personal

Generic Check In

Since last we spoke, gentle listener: The weekly Askazi Myths page update has appeared. That Fox And Otter Duo have produced another episode of Unsheathed, in which they get the mysterious Kit 'Techwolf' Silver to talk a LOT more than usual. I have recieved two rejections, gotten someone's manuscript back to them with a whole… Continue reading Generic Check In

Things Found: Short Stories

'Filling Up The Void' - Richard E. Gropp - Interesting short story, primarily notable for presenting a furry protagonist and raaather adult themes in what is, ultimately, a fairly mainstream SF venue. Ending is rather telegraphed, and if you read a lot of sci fi you're not going to meet much new, but the execution's… Continue reading Things Found: Short Stories

Categorized as Personal

Document 0A-21040513

(This somewhat in-world document predates Dog Country by quite some time, so might not be fully canonical, but offers an alternative perspective on the events around the T-Bone marketplace. I sometimes enjoy making strange little artefacts!) Document 0A-21040513